November 13, 2013


The week of Halloween we went to a play group Halloween party.
 We carved our pumpkins a few days before.  Last year Tommy was disgusted by the pumpkin guts, but this time he was quite proud to help dad & played with it transferring it between bowls. Whitney wanted nothing to do with the whole process.
 Here is our pumpkins this year! We had the neighbors over & they did the Mickey pumpkin, but we did the rest.  Tommy picked out the classic face & insisted we carve out his name around the backside as well.
It rained all day on Halloween.  A lot of the neighboring towns announced that they were moving Halloween to the next day, but our mayor said that putting Halloween on a Friday would be more trouble for the police with people partying. :(  We used umbrellas as much as possible, but everyone was SOAKED with water and cold on top of that..  The kids were pretty good troopers, especially Tommy. I'm glad his costume had a hat as he didn't seem to mind it too much.  They didn't seem as excited as I wanted them to be for Halloween this year.  I'm wondering if it was all the pre-Halloween activities we did or having lots of "potty treats" around all the time ruined the excitement of having to work for candy!... or maybe it was just more of a job to get over with since it was raining so much!
 I remember a lot of cold Halloweens growing up, but never one with steady rain the whole night!... guess this would have been a good year to have gone to the church house instead!

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