November 9, 2014

October Update

I had my turn teaching Whitney's Preschool class.  We learned about the letter "D" so we made some dog puppets & had a banana dog snack.
Below: Lincoln, Jonah, Davie, Josh, Whitney, Kaylee

 The 2nd day Tommy was there because his school had a field trip so I made sure to do dinosaurs as he was disappointed he didn't get to do them with his school.

 It was a nice October so we were still able to play in the backyard lots. 

So much so that we even got in our swimsuits in mid-October.  That was a first!!!
 I had fun making preschool snacks so I made a few more fun ones! :)

 One night, right before bed, Grandma surprised the kids with a spider cake so they got to stay up a bit later for that!

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