January 3, 2016

Disneyland Part 2 & 3

Here we are back at Disneyland to finish off the trip!
 We had to wait in line FOREVER to see Elsa.  Here is Whitney super excited when we finally got to the front of the line.

 After we got our Elsa visit done with we park hopped back over to Disneyland. It was a crazy hot day so we explored Tom Sawyer's Island before it got too hot.
 We were impressed with the caves and tunnels everywhere.  I don't remember ever coming over to the island before.
 The kids were excited to find some treasure.  This is Tommy's mean pirate face.  He has quite the mean, mean face when he wants to!

 Disneyland was a nice change for Tucker.  He got to go on almost all of the rides.

 Another favorite for the kids was the river cruise so I took the kids on that while Vic did some bigger rides.

 The kids loved the "Cars" ride.  We did a little more park hopping than I would have liked to just so we could go on this several times without having to wait in the full line. Tucker was a good sport waiting around for us to do rider switch passes. 
 Here we are ready to go!  Tommy is half way in there and Whitney's face is hilarious. She LOVE loved this ride!
I loved the background to this ride... one of the many reasons I love Disney!
Tucker is really in love with Lightning McQueen right now so Cars land was pretty magical.  He was in heaven.

 Our LAST day at Disneyland!
 Selfie... cut Tommy out again, oops!

 I love Disney Junior Live on Stage.  The kids think it is so magical when bubbles, snow, treasure, etc. fall out of the sky!

 I loved this ride, but Vic doesn't like rides where he gets wet. 


 Around lunch time, I had been sweating bullets, my face turned bright red and got all clammy and then I stopped sweating and about threw up several times.  I was thinking that I was having some heat exhaustion so I took Tucker to the water park and laid there for almost 2 hours trying to cool down and settle my stomach while Vic took the other two on rides.  Tucker was in heaven and didn't mind being stuck in the water area. I never did get better.  I just kept laying down in different corners of the park & tried not to ruin it for everyone else.  The next day I was super sick and read more about my symptoms.  Pretty sure I had heat stroke :( I drank lots of Gatorade and did nothing the next 2 days to recover!
 Here is Whitney getting extra attention again!  (Wish I had the pictures of all of the others doing the same)
 Tucker tried so hard to get Buzz's attention.  This is his current favorite character.  Buzz was too busy dancing though!
 Tucker and I got some special snacks while we sat around and waited for the others to finish out the day.  The kids thought these pretzels were pretty special!
 The next day since I was still sick, the kids played in the pool until noon and then we did the trip home.

The kids can't wait to turn around and go right back, but we'll definitely be waiting a few years and possibly going to Disney World instead.  We liked it much better.

1 comment:

Ben and Becky said...

What a fun vacation! I can't wait to go there again one of these years. Reading about Tommy in the ocean just made my heart stop! How horrifying. Glad he was okay!!!