August 31, 2019

August Happenings

The first week of August we were up in Island Park then the rest of August we tried to squeeze the last out of summer.  We played in the backyard pool, painted our nails, Whitney continued to talk Tucker into dressing up like a girl, we helped my mom move the last of her stuff out of the family cabin (and got some play time in as well!).  My dad took us out on his new fishing boat.  The kids loved being on a speed boat, especially Whitney.  Tucker conquered doing a 360 on the knee board and the other kids didn't want a 6 year old to outdo them so they kept trying until they got it as well.

 We got new glasses for Tommy which I like way better than the last pair!  Then, school started!  The kids look way too grown up.  I had after school special snacks waiting for the kids each day.  They love that tradition.

 This year, I really wanted to get to know the girls in Whitney's class so she had a welcome tea party for all the girls in her class.  She was so excited to get her nails painted for the occasion.  Tommy loves showing off his piano skills whenever he can so he played background music for the party & Tucker joined right in for the treats.  I had hoped the girls would have a nice tea party & then have one with their dolls, but instead they went nuts in the backyard.  It was pretty chaotic!

August 10, 2019

Island Park Vacation

We rented a mini cabin up at Lakeside so we could spend time on the lake and in the mountains of Island Park.  We played on the water a bunch, watched too much tv, and I tried to make sure we played a card game each night and painted rocks each morning.  The kids really liked painting rocks and were sad to have to leave some of the bigger ones behind. Whitney and Vic went on date in Harriman State Park to go horse back riding and we ended the vacation by going to the Yellowstone Playhouse.