February 14, 2013

Princess Whitney & Vday

I started an activity chart for Tommy at the beginning of the year where I've tried to have a structured daily schedule & in that is an art project every morning & a lesson on numbers, shapes, letters, etc. in the afternoon.  Tommy has been loving the attention & learning new things.  It made me realize that my little princess needs special attention of her own so I started to let her get ready with me & instead of scolding her when she got near my make up I let her put a little on & she was delighted!  It really looked like a bunch of bruises to me, but she thought she was beautiful & that's what matters.  She is definitely all girl :)
Speaking of princess, I LOVE Whitney's room after we got the bead board up & painted it, but I just barely took the time to take a picture!  I kept thinking I'd do something cute & clever with her name above her bed, but that will just have to wait until we have a permanent house & I know the wall size.

 Whitney was so happy about make up that I decided to finally paint her toes for the first time.  She is pretty obsessed with them & every time she doesn't have socks on wants to point out how pretty each foot is.

 For 3 days in a row I had the kids work on a Valentine box & cards for a church Valentine party.  They really loved it.  Tommy loves the concept of friends & giving presents to them. Lately he has been pretty passionate about making me happy & asking me all the time if he makes me happy.  He's a sweetie!
These two LOVE presents so I got them a few little treats & toys for Valentines Day so they didn't feel left out that Mom & Dad got a gift.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I read this one also and commented on it. Since I was doing it on my phone, perhaps that is why it did not post.