November 9, 2014

Cornbelly's: Halloween on Steroids!

We went down to Thanksgiving Point to have some Harvest Fun!
 We did trick-or-treating in the corn maze & the kids were excited to find different characters waiting for them.  Here was Whitney's favorite.
 Tommy was most excited about any kind of wagon or tractor ride.
 Princess Play Land

 Hillbilly land!
 Very creative swings all made from old tires
 milking cows
 Tommy said these slides that were throughout the park were his favorite.  They had all different wooden cars like ships, tractors, fire engines, etc.
 Big Bounce Houses & slides
 little bounce houses
Giant bounce mat. This was pretty cool.
 Digging in the dirt... we all got pretty dirty!
 All sorts of mazes 

 Vic got picked to pick a pig to bet on & his pig won so we got the little rubber pig Tommy was holding & a gift certificate to a pizza place.
 Singing animals
 Duck Races: this was Whitney's favorite
 Corn Kernel Sand Pit.  This stuff was crazy because you sank a good six inches so I felt like the kids swam everywhere when they tried to crawl around.  They loved it & could have stayed much longer.

 I was surprised Whitney let all these boys bury her especially because they dumped it all over her head.
 This night ride through one of the corn mazes had impressive Jack-O-lanterns all through the trail
 This crazy box was a "rat race" & it took them forever to get through.  I was worried Whitney was going to panic, but she loved it thank goodness!
 They did fireworks toward the end of the night too.  This place had it ALL!!
The kids had a blast & we'll definitely be going again! :)


Ben and Becky said...

That looks so fun! I've always wanted to go. The corn kernel thing is a great idea.

Unknown said...

It looks like it was really fun, but it is too far to go.