January 13, 2015

Tommy's "Jake" Pirate Birthday Party!

Tommy turned 5!  He was pretty spoiled this year.  He got a big party & a trip to Utah to ride a "real" train.  Here he is holding his treat we took to preschool.  It's a rice crispy treat we made look like a cupcake.
 Here is his birthday table.
 A close up of his cake.  I thought this would be so simple, but it was not!!  
He loved it though & that is what matters!!
 Pictures of our decorations:
 "fish & chips" ...toddler version!
 Where the pirate wars took place in our basement, Captain Hook's ship is the black one & the big one, Bucky (Jake's ship), is the big brown one.
 When the kids arrived they painted a parrot like Skully (Jake's pirate).  It was super messy & crazy.  Don't think I'll do that again!
 Here is all of the crazy pirate kids.  Captain Hook appeared & told the kids he stole their treasure & if they wanted it back then they'd have to get through his traps.
 First captain hook threw a cannon ball into their ship & they had to pop it.
 Next, they had to walk the plank.  Tommy played with the plank way more before & after the party than he did at the party.
 Then they had a million balls they tried to throw in Captain Hook's ship to make his ship sink.  This is when all chaos broke out.  I hate chaos, but Tommy was having a ball being super crazy!
 Their last clue was to find the sea tunnel, climb through it, & find their treasure at the end.
 They had a list of things to find so it was all equal & fair.  Thank goodness it was a nice warm day in December!!

 Pirate Whitney's treasure she found
 After the games, we had cake & ice cream.
 Tommy got lots of "Jake & the Neverland Pirate" toys.  I was glad their was no doubles!

He had a blast & is already plotting his next birthday party!

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