October 10, 2015

Cabin Vacation

I remember spending a full week up at the cabin as a teenager & I've been wanting to do it again ever since so this year we did just that!
We started the 1st weekend off with our friends, the Durtchis. Their boys loved the jetski & did mostly that the whole time!
 We tried to get out & walk around the island every morning.
 And we played on the lake non stop!
 Tommy is quite proud of his new swimming skill & exhausted himself showing it off!
 We paddles across the lake a few times for an "adventure" & would hike around once we got across.
 Whitney finally dared ride the tube by herself. She is always the dare devil in our family!
 Tommy did not want to be out done so he tried it & I'm so glad he did because he loved it too.
 Tucker tried it out with Tommy instead of Vic or I...
 ... and then did it all by himself!  He is a daredevil too!
 This is Matt, Vic's best friend he made while we were in England.  They hopped across the pond for a visit.  We were so happy to see them, it has been years!
 My mom insisted we take the kids up to see her nature lodge where she teaches the boy scouts all summer. She had lots of animal parts to show us.
 Tommy has been so proud of building our fires.  They are usually quite large at first as you can see!
 We took our friends to tour the bottom loop of Yellowstone. This is our only picture with all 10 of us in it!
 Tommy insisted on climbing anything he could.

 This was a new one we haven't seen go off before. Castle Geyser, I think.
 Old Faithful
 While waiting for Old Faithful to go off the kids got to earn a junior ranger badge by passing off 10 tests.
 I loved the layers of clay by the lake.
 Our most exciting thing of the day was seeing a bear right by the mud pots!  I've never been this close to a wild bear!! Normally you have to look through binoculars.

 Right after we got past the bear traffic jam we had another visitor come say hello!  It was an exciting 20 minutes!
 We also viewed the Grand Canyon from a different side this time so that was nice!

After our friends left we spent a few more days relaxing on the lake. Our week flew by!

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