July 4, 2013

Picture Updates!

I needed 3 month pictures of my adorable baby boo & Whitney & Tommy were feeling pretty jealous so I got new pictures of all 3 kids!
For Tucker's 3 month pictures he is dressed in love:  His hat was made by his Aunt Becky, shirt from his Great Aunt Vicki, & blanket he is leaning on was made by his Grandma Sutherland :)

Whitney's 2 year pictures... all I have to say is 2 year olds do NOT know how to sit still or smile naturally so I feel pretty happy to get these!!! (I never did get any of Tommy)

Tommy at 3: I struggled for a long while with the other two to get their pictures.... Tommy on the other hand got all dressed up, took about 5 shots in 2 minutes & said he was all done.  Good thing he was very cooperative & has a naturally adorable smile!