May 14, 2016

Color Run

Tommy's school did a color run fundraiser so we had the whole family join in the fun.  Here is our family ready to start the race!
 Vic is very diligent about stretching so we here is our the boys decided to stretch.
 We decided that since Tommy is faster than Whitney that Vic would run with him and I would run with Whitney.  She started off crying because there was people in front of her (we started at the back of the heat).  I told her that the faster she ran, the faster the race would be over so she took off and I couldn't keep up with her!  She was so proud to be the fastest runner in our family!
 After we both finished, we went back to find Tommy and finish the race with him.  He wasn't too pleased as an adult had ran him over while dodging a chalk fight so here we are trying to cheer him up to finish.
 We had trained hard so I had Tommy start over and he ran hard once he saw the finish line.
 Our little blasts of color!
 I'd say Tucker got covered the most of anyone!!!
Afterwards we went to the zoo to finish out our family day.

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