May 14, 2014

Vic's Graphic Hand Details!!

Vic's x-ray right when he entered Idaho Falls Hospital
 Pictures once the doctor got his hand all cleaned up for surgery & stopped the blood:
 Yup... yummy bone poking out that middle finger & crater of the moon on the thumb!
 Vic's fingers post- surgery #1
 If the fingers had survived I think they would have been crazy ugly crooked things!
 Our lovely bowl of leeches always swimming near by!  (The dead ones were disgusting... the water looked black because once we drop them in the alcohol the blood comes gushing out)
They pulled off his fingernails to help bleed his hand out & for the leeches to find a spot they liked to suction on to.  This is a nice clean picture.  It got MUCH grosser!  The leeches would stay on there until they were hanging off huge & full of blood (usually the size of a finger).
AND... now that you've seen these lovely guys I thought I'd add a few notes about what made our hospital visit so interesting:
**1st day out of the operating room Vic was being rolled to his room & yelling out to poor old ladies w/ his bloody hand & leeches propped way up for all to see... "You want to see something gross!"  (his anesthesia hadn't worn off so he thought he was funny)
**A nurse left the leech cover off & I came into the room to find one flipping out of the jar & another running across the table! Eww!  (Little did I know it would get much more adventurous than that)
**When they lost the first leech the nurse panicked & yelled "follow the blood trail!"  They did & sure enough he had jumped out of bed, went under the bed, out the other side, & was crawling right toward me.... and the gross dried blood trail was left there for 3 days before someone bothered to clean it up!
**I'd dose off in the night & wouldn't see when the leeches fell off & we found one crawling on poor Vic's neck and another on his stomach
**It was 85 degrees so Vic had continual sweat dropping down him & he kept having me check for leeches as he was sure he felt one crawl with each  drip of sweat!
**A nurse wanted to see how long a leech would live after filling up with Vic's blood so she took one home for a pet experiment... pretty sure she'd be in trouble if anyone found out... crazy nurse!
**Another leech escaped Vic's bed & when the nurse came in to check on him her first step in the room she stepped on the leech as he was trying to escape!  Blood flew everywhere!!!
**Vic's doctor told him he couldn't go outside for fresh air or he'd freak people out with his continually bleeding hand!  Poor freaky Vic!
**It was funny to see his buddy & cousin (grown men) get crazy at the sight of his hand!

Okay, sorry for the gross stories (I'm recording memories here!)

 Here is his hand after 1 finger was amputated & the other skin was starting to shed & heal on the middle finger. (I snapped this picture in between his hand getting washed & redressed by the doctor.) 
 Here is the finger after 2 weeks. Dead :*(
 Here is Vic's hand today.

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