September 20, 2013

Magical Kingdom Day 1

We went to the most magical place on earth!  TRULY!  We LOVED Magic Kingdom!  Every little thing sent smiles through us.  Wouldn't it be dreamy if we could step back in time & have people just singing & dancing in the streets as we went about our errands?!  Or take the kids for rides & have fun clean clowns wandering around just for our entertainment?!  Oh yes... and every time our kids act up, instead of getting rude comments or sideways glances, strangers come up and hand our kids stickers!  AND on top of that everyone around you is so happy that whenever you need a 3rd or 4th hand with a kid, bag, or stroller then other vacationers jump to help out.  Wouldn't those silly simple things just make our life a bit more magical?!  Oh yes, and another perk... free nurses, band-aids, and medicine if needed (yup, we had to use the nurse station, but it didn't slow us down!)  Anyway, you get our drift... we had a WONDERFUL time!!  Here is day 1 at Magic Kingdom:
 Our kids were beyond excited to get to go.  Whitney & her cheeser "I'm-so-excited!" smile :)
 I, of course, had fun dressing her up :)
 Tommy & I had looked over all of the rides before we went & he was so excited for his 1st roller coaster ride that he even had "Goofy's Barnstormer" name memorized & we went straight there for his first ride.  Here he is right before the ride:
 And here he is on the ride: (Be prepared.... SO sad!)
 Okay, so not the best way to introduce your 3 year old to Disney World, but we made sure to make up for it with lots of the carousal & tea cup rides! 
 Whitney kept asking to go on the "horse ride", but never actually dared sit on a horse!
 Vic was a good sport & dragged Tucker around like this most of the time in the 95 degree, dripping wet heat!
 Funny, Whitney liked this one better than Tommy even though she kept running into the divider.
 Tommy was pretty excited about the pirate scene so we took a little break while he explored all the treasure chests & pretended to be a pirate.  I thought it was funny that the place was deserted when we walked up, but with Tommy there kids kept trying to run away from their parents to come over & join him.  It's funny how some things take other people to make it look exciting.
 Vic & I were impressed with the size of this massive tree house. This is only a tiny portion.

 The kids were on cloud 9 to get Mickey treats!
 I was so bummed I couldn't get reservations online for the new Beauty & the Beast castle so leave it to Vic to make sure he got me in!  It was beautiful in there & Whitney still shreeks with excitement when she sees her picture in the Beauty in the Beast castle.  It was nice that it wasn't just nice atmosphere, but also great food & service.  I thought it was romantic & would be a dream reception hall.
 Tucker learned hot to drink from a straw from here! Only 6 1/2 months old
 Picture of the outside... I actually like this one better than Cinderella's castle with all the rock & waterfalls around & under it.
 Tommy was sure Thomas the Train was at Disney World as well so we got our fair share of riding the "Express Train" with James, Gordon, & Thomas.  This was his favorite ride (a long slow train that looped the entire park).
Other notes for the day:  Whitney was not in love with Disney & kept having melt downs until the morning Jammin' Parade came through & she was suddenly in love with "Disneyland".  Also, she was infatuated with all of the characters & could have stayed & played with all of them.  She was especially adorable meeting Minney Mouse.  She showed Minney her Minney doll & ears on her own head & gave her a kiss.  At the end of the day Tommy was SO sad & cried the whole way back to the hotel saying he didn't want to leave Disneyland.  That made me especially glad we planned plenty of days there!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness, I guess Tommy isn't ready for the fast rides yet. I LOVE all the pictures and details that you've posted! Thanks for sharing it all with us!